Visited on 7th April 2015, to celebrate our daughter's birthday with granny. Out of so many fantastic restaurants to choose from, we selected Tung Lok for its branding, reputation, great dishes & good service. We have patronised this outlet more than 15 times in a span of 3 years for many other many celebrations such as birthdays, anniversaries, festivals, business customers & staff promotions. Before, I proceed further, i must highlight this wonderful staff named May Yap. She saved our evening. But let me share how disgusting & appalling the whole evening was. First dish came about 20 minutes of waiting & that's the deep fried silver fish which normally doesnt need that long to cook. We took our first bite & we felt like puking out because they were so oily, like eating oil instead of battered fish. The color was off, brownish. We suspected the chef must have used recycled oil many times. In all our past experiences eating here, the color was light yellow, & never brown. By the way, restaurant at that hour 7.15pm was not crowded & only about 5 tables occupied in sight. I cant forgive the chef for his shoddy cooking & a simple dish coming out so late. Next came the cod fillet, as we were told by the order taker, who coincidentally was the assistant manager. Every bite, we sank our teeth, there were several bones, bones as long as 4 cm in length. Mine had 8 bones in total. We were disgusted with such dish which as the name infer, a fillet ought not to have bones at all. Even if it had, just one or two are acceptable but not 8 to 10 bones!! Can Tung Lok management & senior directors accept such nonsense? Yet, when we called for the assistant manager to explain why these bones, she could proudly claimed that it's a small size cod. This is seriously a conspicuous daylight robbery in a supposedly top notched restaurant in Singapore's food industry. Then, came the Peking Duck which was ok, not a WOW factor. After that, no more dishes were served & we waited for 20 minutes