The reviews are all correct ABOUT THE PRODUCT but I've basically had it with this place for service. Come on guys: you are not just a bakery that sells stuff at the counter like some two-bit sandwich bar - you are a high end, highly skilled, Artisan bakery WITH A CAFE and the service is practically non-existent. Sure the spelt scones are great, the sourdough is 'as good as it gets' and the various pastries are delicious, but when you have to wait 20 minutes for a takeaway coffee or even more for a sit down coffee; when you have to wait in a cue to actually just buy a loaf of bread, then it's like splitsville with my relationship with you. I understand the concept of waiting in line, but NOT when there is only one person taking orders and the same order making coffees, etc. Result: everyone waits whilst that person makes the 5 coffees (all different) that they just took the order for. Get it together. You are successful because are good. People go there because you are good - that means you need to deliver on all counts. It's not just the sour dough that is sour - it's ME and i am really disappointed about that but three times now the service has been shocking, so that's mean gone off.