This restaurant was recommended by a friend who ate there in June and who raved about it. And, my God, was she right to! The place has no reviews as yet on Tripadvisor, possibly because mostly locals eat there and it's some distance away from the main tourist attractions (but easy to reach by metro). I did consider not posting a review and keeping it to ourselves but the lovely young people running the place could probably do with extra business given the state of the Greek economy, so here goes... Nona is on a delightful street called Troon which has a wonderful vibe to it and looks a lot like San Francisco. The restaurant itself has an indoor area and a spacious, colourful outdoor area where we ate. The food is quite simply terrific - full of flavour, using excellent produce. And the portions are very generous. We were a little taken aback on our first visit when the waiter told us to stop ordering food as we'd already ordered enough. When the food started to arrive, we understood! On our second visit (because we couldn't really imagine going anywhere else for our second night in Athens), we had learned our lesson and ordered fewer things, managing to make it to dessert all the same! The salads are excellent, particularly the one with Cretan rusks (the flavours in that one blew us away) and the warm appetisers are also delicious. I wish I could comment on the veal stew but it was so good one of my daughters devoured it before anyone else got a look in. The spicy sausage dish was fantastic, as were the pork medallions that were served in a deliciously vinegary sauce. The homemade desserts are also well worth sampling (if you make it that far!). Definitely a place to return to on our next trip to Athens.