Not a good experience at all. Waitress didn't seem like she wanted to be there. When she wasn't serving, she would just lean against the wall talking to her co-workers. Honestly, non of them seemed to pleased to be there either. Felt like they were all annoyed. Ordered the charcuterie plate... It's served on a slab of wood and it looked fine, but no joke, we are half way done eating it and a small bug ran across the slab! Came out from under a sausage! I was horrified and quickly killed it. It wasn't a big bug. It was a pretty small one, but still, no! When I killed it it basically disappeared into the slab, but needless to say I couldn't eat anymore of anything. I didn't say anything to the waitress. I know, I should of! But I was so fed up with the place that I didn't even want to converse with our server more then I had to and get into it. We paid, left and that was that. Basically, I won't be back. I should have known something was off because there are many other restaurants in the Junction that are packed. This one was not packed. Never really is to be honest. Should have seen that as a sign.