You won't get yourself a full belly in this place. The last time I went there, I had a portion of Heavy Cheese Fries (of which the glob of the cheese was sort of chewy, not melted as I expected, and the taste was rather bland..), and 2 cups of caramelised, hazelnut coffee (I forgot the name.. Frappe? Macchiato?) The coffee was okay. It wasn't as hot as I thought it would. Perhaps because the servers left if on the counter for quite sometimes before they called my number. I was busy reading the history of the Potato Break on the wall I didn't notice. All in all, this is an okay place to go. Since I went there when it was raining outside, and by the time I went home it was already in the evening, and the weather was nice, plus Shwedagon was already being lit up, I suppose it wasn't bad afterall. Oh. I went to the one at People's Park. They have these cozy sofas here. Pretty neat.