Came in expecting to be in an actual cafe with cats, but it was like being in someone's house which felt really uncomfortable and paying for the we were the only people there which made it eerily quiet and strange. There was an instant coffee machine, a kettle, teabags and a couple of jugs of mystery juice with some glasses and cups nearby and you helped yourself - no service at all...I'm not really sure you could call it a cafe at internet cafe maybe, but I didn't come for the WiFi. Snacks included peanuts, pretzels and mini supermarket muffins in plastic tubs. There was an xbox room too, but I was looking for a cafe experience - not an experience that I can have at home for free. The only redeeming factor is that at least some of the money I paid will go towards the upkeep of the 5 cats. Oh and the cats stayed by the window in the reception area and only came into the 'cafe' area to eat and wouldn't bother with us at all so I didn't actually have a cat cafe experience after all :/ for such a large building, I would have expected more cats, but I understand the issues with compatability with that. The idea is good, but the whole encounter was just really awkward and has put me right off.