We were staying one night in Rome awaiting our flight back to the States the next morning. Having most of the morning and all afternoon to kill, we opted for a walk through the neighborhood. We happened upon this little pizza place; a man wearing an apron standing in the door watching the world go by sees us, smiles and says hello. We decided to go in... ended up having wonderful pizza and delightful conversation with the two men who owned the shop. They had come to Italy about 20 years ago from Greece with their families and had never left. While we were eating our pizza, one of the men could be seen cooking in the kitchen. Turns out, he was cooking their lunch which consisted of spaghetti and calamari - lo and behold - this sweet man brings us a sample plate of their lunch! The calamari was fresh and oh so delicious. We were blown away by the kindness and openness of the gesture. You just never know where an afternoon's walk will take you. Ours took us to an unexpected delight!