Bought a voucher which appeared to be a very good deal, nothing could have been further from the truth. As soon as we walked in we were asked to produce the voucher to prove the deal. I had already quoted the voucher no and emailed concierge earlier to confirm booking and check we didn't have to produce voucher code in restaurant (I think this undermines the experience) The menu was very limited and the nicer dishes all had a £7 supplement ( not mentioned up front) All sides inc veg etc were extra . Having chosen we were then told the kitchen had run out of 2 dishes (at 7:45pm?!) It then just went from bad to worse, my lamb shank was cold and I mean chilled underneath! My husband's steak was drenched in peppercorns although this wasn't mentioned on menu. The side vegetables consisted of an abundance of tomatoes and cabbage despite being told it would consist of a variety of green veg . We already had an abundance of tomatoes on our main plates! and I could go on......In all it was a fiasco and a waste of money. This just isn't what you expect from a Marriott restaurant, there is no excuse. To be fair the server apologised ( no sign of management) and money was removed from the bill, but we won't be back, ever!