"Bread and Roses" is something out of the ordinary; located in the Panepistimiou 64 st. building entry, you can't accidentally run into it. I discovered it by word of mouth. The place is really small, yet very warm and welcoming. There is no separation between the kitchen and the tables, which stresses the casual atmosphere. The menu changes every day. The chef loves experimenting very successfully. The ingredients used are excellent.The food quality is very high and goes along with the taste, followed by a gourmet twist. Now add the price of 6,20 euros, increased due to the recently changed VAT, and we have the winner of the best value for money category for the restaurants i have visited. More specifically, there is a choice between 4 main courses, 3 salads and 4 courses to accompany. You can create your own a-la-carte menu by the choices available, served all together, main, salad and accompanying, in a single plate. We had pasta al pesto with halumi cheese, green apple salad and mashed potatoes, as well as salmon risotto with vodka, green apple salad and green pepper pie. As far as it concerns quantity, i must admit it was very satisfactory. None of us still felt hungry after finishing our meal. As for drinking anything other than water, comes extra charge. At summer a small roof garden is open and i was told that occasionally there are organized special events by the owners, who really love what they do, with fantasy and creativity. A real city rose for Athens!