This was one of the standout restaurants in our ten day Hokkaido trip. We had planned to go to Uminekoya nearby for their much-vaunted crab spaghetti but it was closed. Mangiare Takinami just within sight is identified by a cherry tree outside although in October it was not in bloom. The interior of the stone building had high vaulted ceilings and a cosy atmosphere. We ordered a seafood paella and although taking 40 minutes to prepare it was really something. Classic crusty rice around the edge of the paella pan, vongole or tiny clams, prawns, crab, little tiny stuffed squid and lemon wedges in a beautifully flavoured rice. We had a half bottle of chianti to help it down. Reminiscing on this the next day we decided on a repeat performance and headed off there again for lunch. This time it was crab spaghetti and a lip-smacking crab and rice gratin. This time the proprietor/chef came out to take our orders and gave us a big send-off when we left. We travel to Japan once a year and usually cover new territory all the time. I think we might have to re-visit Otaru.