I know that the title sounds like puffery, but recognition is deserved for two waiters at the David Citadel Restaurant where I enjoyed breakfasts. The buffet is top shelf. All of the foods are plentiful and first cut choices. Omelets and waffles are prepared to order perfectly, but that's not the highlight I encountered. Yesterday, I was dining alone and Ata Bayuah, a waiter, came to my table and we struck up a conversation. I asked for a "caffe hafuch" (essentially a cappuccino where the espresso shot is titrated though the milk and foam). What I received was a work of art illustrated in the attached photos. The work of art was prepared by his colleague Samer. However, they did not stop there. Before I finished my first cup, a second appeared with another work of art floating on top. Then, a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice was delivered just because Ata thought that I would enjoy it. I hardly was able to see the bottom of the second cup before a third with another work of art was presented. This was all done with a smile and a sense of delight. Needless to say, I was greeted warmly again today and the conveyer line of surprises fired up to exceed my expectations. I'm typing with a smile. My thanks to Ata and Samer for launching my days with kindness, a flourish, and a feeling of being an appreciated guest.