The Fogas Pizzeria has moved to 2 Hollos ut Svabhegy next to a very good (but pricey restaurant) next to the cog railway Svabhegy station. The restaurant at Kotto ut 30 is called Fonograf and to get there its easier to get off the cog railway at Varoskut, the stop just before Svabhegy and walk the 500 metres on Kotto ut. If you are driving be aware that as of May 2015 Kotto ut is closed to traffic between approximately 23 and 26 due to the road being washed away. You can still walk through what's left of the road. The restaurant is adjacent to (and may be owned by) a tennis club which was holding some function the day we visited so the waiter asked us to wait as they couldn't handle any more orders, which was reasonable as they were nearly full. I ordered Terragon soup which I hoped would be like classic Hungarian goulash, plus chicken burritos. My partner skipped the entre and ordered venison. Unfortunately they totally forgot about the soup for which they gave us a 15% discount on the bill together with their apology. But sadly neither of us was impressed with our main course so I don't think we will eat at this one again. The prices were about normal.