There is some confusion about this restaurant. One reviewer mentions a Fogas Pizzéria under the address of this restaurant- Költő u. 30- but says, that is next to Bajai Halászcsárda, very near by Svábhegy cog-railway station. Yes, the Fogas is there, but the address is Hollós u. 2. The restaurant I’m writing about is easier to approach from Városkút station. From there, it is a 10-15 minutes walk, depends on your speed. The walk is an entertainment , since it leads in between flowering shrubs and trees,and in this time of the year the air is fragrant from the blooming lilacs. The restaurant belongs to a tennis club, and according to the number of customers, is very popular. On the weekends it is advisable o book a table. Nice set up, with inside and outside tables as well. The restaurant is clean, so are the restrooms. I know because we were very kindly seated next to the door, leading to these rooms, and no bad smell was coming out. My partner ordered a chicken burrito and a Transylvanian dumpling soup with tarragon. This soup never arrived, and when the main dishes were served, my partner complained about the missing soup. The waiter offered to bring it now, but we said –no thank you, forget about it. Otherwise my companion was satisfied with his food. My order was a venison stew in game style with potato croquettes. It was correct, but for this food I wouldn't go back to this restaurant. Maybe my problem was my memories about a venison, that I had decades ago in Kőszeg, with feather light potato donuts and cranberry sauce. That was the taste I was searching for, but couldn't find it. There was nothing wrong with this venison stew, but the croquettes were a bit too floury and therefore a bit sticky. The service was polite, not too fast but because of the big number of the guests it was understandable. This restaurant serves a wide range of dishes including also a lot of pizza . (maybe this fact caused the mix up with Fogas). They offer home delivery too. The price