Intro: The Cena on Chapel is the restaurant belonging to the Flinders Hotel. While there are already reviews existing they are buried under the 'Hotel' category not the restaurant category. So if someone was looking for a place to eat, as we were, you wouldn't find it on Tripadvisor. Review: We spent a weekend in Port Augusta and went on the "Afghan Express" on the Saturday. I asked various people for recommendations on where to eat and the Flinders Hotel was mentioned by several. So we went there on the Saturday night for dinner. The dining room was spacious and quiet, and tastefully decorated, in keeping with the age of the building. Unlike many hotels it was no where near the pokies room, so there was none of that background noise. As for the food? Well it was magnificent. My wife had garlic prawns and she must have had at least a dozen large prawns. I had the kangaroo fillet. I never knew that kangaroo could be so tender and tasty, compared to the tough gamey flavour of other places. And you won't go hungry either. (We observed a woman at another table getting a doggy bag). To top it off prices were so reasonable. The staff, Lisa and Tyler, were very approachable and friendly, without being 'in your face'. The night before we bought frozen food from Coles as we only arrived in the town around 8pm. We had stuck our heads into Cafe Primo but found it very pricey and extremely noisy. If you are staying in or passing through Port Augusta you owe it to yourself to check out the Flinders Hotel in the centre of town.