拍完照,赶紧回去收拾东西,check out,今天的目标是:Road to Hana,此行的重头,我们真是把最好的留到了最后。这也是绝对让你觉得值回机票价的地方。 The Road To Hana,是世界最美行车线路之一。这条行车道路以其险峻和多变的沿途景观而闻名夏威夷群岛。全程有600多个弯道,54个单车道小桥,途径多处著名景点:有全美最适合摄影的三熊瀑布,还有可以看见侏罗纪公园拍摄外景地的世外桃源伊甸园,波利尼西亚最大的古神殿彼利拉尼哈雷神殿,以及毛伊岛最完美的黑沙滩帕伊洛阿海滩,和世界上极为稀有的红沙滩等等美景都伴随着这条公路展示着毛伊独特的魅力。这条公路带给你的惊喜绝对无法用语言来形容。 The Roadto Hana is Maui’s most famous drive and is about the journey rather thanthe destination. This drive offers something of everything that isauthentically Maui: surf beaches, rainforest, black sand beaches, waterfalls,short hikes, dramatic coastline and more. We suggest an early startand driving all the way to the Seven Sacred Pools. Turn your trip to Hana intoa richer and entertaining experience by touring with GyPSy. You will knowthe best places to stop, hear fascinating stories and sample the localculture. GyPSy Guide will recommend 5 places you should not miss and many morethat you can choose to suit your interests. The Roadto Hana has more curves and bridges than most people want to count. Usingguidebooks or CDs you might miss some of the best things to see and do alongthe way as you try to estimate distances between mile markers. Only GyPSy cantell you the exact place to see something or where to pull over to get out. Be sureto take a picnic lunch and your swimsuit and towels. Road toHana: Full Day. We receommend starting out by 8am. 这条美丽的景观路全程开车,至少需要10个小时。即时只是开车往返,大概就需要5-6小时,加上途中停留和游玩,其实一天也都还蛮紧张的,沿途有非常多的trail,需要步行的地方蛮多的,记得穿一双既防水,又舒适的鞋,洞洞鞋是个不错的选择。 好了,开始回放这一天的行程吧,一路美景! 第一个停车的地方:Hookipa,风大浪大!
