兵圣隐居之地 北方植物王国 Yunmeng Mountion scenic area is now national AAA Scenic Area,the Agrcultural Tourist Demonstration Area in Shandon Province and Forest Park at provincial level.The scenerv is beautiful in the scenic area with numerous cultural relics.The geological structure is peculiar andreligions prevail in the region.The forest coverage reaches 90 percent with clean air and favorable ecological environment which makes it a natural oxygen bar....... It is an ideal resort for holiday and sight-seeing.
4.4 分
2017-09-12 14:07 云蒙山好美啊美的让你说不出话来,我们是一早从济南出发的路上很好走吃了个早饭过来的本来是想买一些...云蒙山好美啊美的让你说不出话来,我们是一早从济南出发的路上很好走吃了个早饭过来的本来是想买一些肥城桃的不过还是先好好欣赏美景吧 2018-04-29 18:24 我们春节的时候和家人一起去的。山不是很高,很容易爬,门票很便宜,10多元钱 2017-09-02 23:06 兵圣隐居之地 北方植物王国 Yunmeng Mountion scenic area is n...兵圣隐居之地 北方植物王国 Yunmeng Mountion scenic area is now national AAA Scenic Area,the Agrcultural Tourist Demonstration Area in Shandon Province and Forest Park at provincial level.The ...兵圣隐居之地 北方植物王国 Yunmeng Mountion scenic area is now national AAA Scenic Area,the Agrcultural Tourist Demonstration Area in Shandon Province and Forest Park at provincial level.The scenerv is beautiful in the scenic area with numerous cultural relics.The geological structure is peculiar andreligions prevail in the region.The forest coverage reaches 90 percent with clean air and favorable ecological environment which makes it a natural oxygen bar....... It is an ideal resort for holiday and sight-seeing. 展开 7张 2017-02-27 16:59 空气新鲜,爬了一天,心情放松,景点门口有旅店,物价可以,服务好,农家院自己的食谱,光棍鸡好吃,...景区美,空气新鲜,爬了一天,心情放松,景点门口有旅店,物价可以,服务好,农家院自己的食谱,光棍鸡好吃,现杀现做爬了一天脚痛,老板开车去市里买膏药。 9张 2017-02-27 16:59 空气新鲜,爬了一天,心情放松,景点门口有旅店,物价可以,服务好,农家院自己的食谱,光棍鸡好吃,...景区美,空气新鲜,爬了一天,心情放松,景点门口有旅店,物价可以,服务好,农家院自己的食谱,光棍鸡好吃,现杀现做爬了一天脚痛,老板开车去市里买膏药。 9张 2016-05-19 13:40 一天的行程,反穿大云蒙和刀山,稍微有点技术线,需要带绳子。同行一共六人,第二天腐败 4张 2016-05-19 13:40 一天的行程,反穿大云蒙和刀山,稍微有点技术线,需要带绳子。同行一共六人,第二天腐败 4张 2015-09-08 15:42 环境不错,空气清新,值得一去,自驾游好去处 4张 2015-09-08 15:42 环境不错,空气清新,值得一去,自驾游好去处 4张 2015-10-28 22:42 还好空气不错门票不太值,绕小路的话似乎可以上去
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